- 34th Vegetarian Congress 2000
- Vegetarian Society in El Paso, Texas: May 18th: Sacred Connections & Soul Searching
- Learn more about Verónica's Books: How do I buy her books? / What people are saying about her books: Reviews!
As one of the local speakers at the World Vegetarian Congress this coming July I will talk about my book "Tales from a Dream before it Happened" and on the theme: Soul's searching: a vegetarian's journey.
Veronica Munoz is a Canadian and Argentinean citizen presently living and
working in Toronto. She is an active member of the vegan community. She is author of "Tales From a Dream Before It Happened," "Traveling The Veil of Illusion" and www.artisticliving.com .She speaks about her own personal soul journey which led her to question and defy her original meat consuming, oppressive and macho Spanish society. She shares how she overcame all the social, cultural, family and peer pressure in order to embrace a change of lifestyle based on compassion, equality, love and freedom and how her heart gradually led her to embrace vegetarianism,veganism and raw veganism.
Her objective is to trigger critical thinking while bringing an awareness of
one's responsibility in assuming an active role in making choices from the center of one's inner wisdom. She encourages a critical review of our everyday lives in order to redefine our patterns of relating to all living beings and the environment. She gives practical insights and tips as to how she's made these changes in her own life by choosing: a vegan diet, organic produce, non-leather clothing, products which have not been tested on animals, cleaning products which do not harm the environment, etc.She believes that miracles can happen and remains optimistic that if we each follow our inner voice, we will be naturally drawn to make wise choices toward building a more compassionate, loving and peaceful world for all of us people, nature and our friends the animals to live in.
If you would like more information on the Congress you can email Verónica at: vm@artisticliving.com
or you may check the Congress Program: www.veg.org.on.ca/wvc2000/
Soul Searching: Veronica Munoz is a Canadian and Argentinean citizen currently living and working in Toronto. This vivacious and dynamic young woman is author of Tales From a Dream Before it Happened, and Traveling the Veil of Illusion. She is a regular speaker in the vegetarian community, frequently gives workshops on a numerous lifestyle and health issues, and is an educator for both English and Hispanic communities. She is an avid proponent of veganism, animal rights, environmentalism, humane education, yoga, meditation, and living a simple life. Her objective is to trigger critical thinking while bringing anawareness of one's responsibility in assuming an active role in making choices from the center of one's inner wisdom. A very spiritual person, Veronica has strong goals and responsibilities. In her inspiring words, "My goal is to make us, citizens of this world, act, feel and behave humanely. In this way we can hope to build a world full of harmony, compassion, love and peace where we can all share and protect our environment and all living and non-living things on this planet. I believe that if each person does his/her share in reconnecting to his/her inner \line voice, great miracles can happen! I want to make people go beyond their submissive minds and reach and touch their hearts by creatively addressing controversial issues. No matter your age or past, now is the best time to \line start and redefine all your past choices and make the necessary changes towards embracing these issues, according to the mandate of your soul and heart, and not by blindly following those coming from outside.\line Ver\'f3nica speaks about her own personal soul journey which led her to question and defy her original meat-consuming, oppressive and macho Spanish society. She shares how she overcame all the social, cultural, family and peer pressures in order to embrace a change of lifestyle based on compassion, equality, love and freedom, and how her heart gradually led her to embrace vegetarianism, veganism and raw veganism. She also gives practical insights and tips as to how she has made these changes in her own life for those who also want to adopt a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Join in this lecture and become an active participant in leading an eco-friendly, purposeful, richer and healthier life and in making a difference in this world!
- SPEW TV PILOT by Great Big Vision: Verónica Muñoz co-developed, co-produced, co-hosted and co-edited SPEW TV SHOW project with TV Producer Gordon James for Great Big Vision: Tim Thorney and Tom Thorney, throughout the July, 2000 and May, 2001.
- Presently working on developing, hosting and co-producing and co-directing another TV pilot for another TV show with Naomi Wise, cinematographer director from Satori Films Inc, specializing in documentary and dramatic films.
- March 2nd ,2000 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM: Interviewed for radio show ANIMAL VOICES which is aired every Thursday, from 2:00-3:00 PM on CIUT 89.5 FM, located at St.George and Harbord St. Interviewed by Mirha-Soleil.
Interviewed for the video "G-SPrOuT!" Mirha-Soleil and Mark about sexuality and relationships from a vegan perspective.
G-SPrOuT! was premiered at the Inside Out Lesbian-Gay Film Festival on May 26th- - THE NEW FESTIVAL: New York International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.June/ 01
- - FRAMELINE: San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. June/01
- MAYWORKS' Festival. Vancouver, May/ 01
- MIX BRASIL Experimental Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, Nov/00
- Black Cat Film Festival: Vancouver, Oct/00
- Sex by Sex Workers' Film Festival: Portland, Oregon. Oct/00
- Tampa International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Oct/00
- INSIDE OUT: Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. May/00
at 7 PM at the Cumberland Theatre in Toronto, Ontario.
- July 10th, 2000 from 2:30 to 3:50 PM: 34th WORLD VEGETARIAN CONGRESS. Verónica Muñoz Lectured on Soul searching: a vegetarian's journey.
Author of Tales From a Dream Before it Happened, presented on all the spiritual opening and journey involved in gradually embracing a vegetarian / vegan / raw vegan lifestyle. She spoke about her personal soul journey which led her to question and defy her original Spanish society. She shared how she overcame the social, cultural, family and peer pressure in order to embrace a change of lifestyle based on compassion, equality, love and freedom and how her heart gradually led her to embrace vegetarianism, veganism and raw veganism. Her lecture triggered critical thinking while bringing an awareness of one's responsibility in assuming an active role in making choices from the center of one's inner wisdom. She encouraged a critical review one's life in order to redefine one's patterns of relating to all living beings and the environment. She gave practical insights and tips as to how she made these changes in her own life by choosing: a vegan diet, organic produce, non-leather clothing, products which have not been tested on animals, cleaning products which do not harm the environment, etc. She expressed her strong believe that miracles can happen remaining optimistic that if we each follow our inner voice, we will be naturally drawn to make wise choices towards building a more compassionate, loving and peaceful world for all of us people, nature and our friends the animals to live in.
- July 13th and July 14th, 2000 COMEDY at the Toronto Colony Hotel for the World
Vegetarian Congress venue The Hysterical Society presented HEALTHY HUMOUR,
a live comedy show, featuring all vegetarian performers in a non-smoking environment, for a good, healthy laugh. This conscious comedy show took place on both dates from
10:30 PM Performing in HEALTHY HUMOUR was: vegan, poet, teacher, activist, and author of "Traveling the Veil of Illusion" and "Tales of a Dream Before it Happened," Verónica Muñoz from Argentina (now a Canadian citizen); screenwriter, televison comedy show producer, comedian, scientist, hungerstriker, and author of "Milk-the Deadly Poison," Robert Cohen from New Jersey; Chester Drawers from Tennessee; BEET poet, Nick the BEETnik; and improvisational comedy troupe, Herbivores in Action. It was hosted by Chicago comedian-actor, Scott Dominion. In the U.S., he has appeared on ABC'sAmerica's Funniest People, NBA on NBC, Comedy Central,and National Public Radio. In Canada, he performed on the stages of Yuk Yuk's.
- Vegetarian Society in El Paso, Texas: May 18th , 2001
- TV Programs in Texas el Paso in May 18, 2001. Channel 7 ( KVIA ) News noon show with Carolyn Hughes and Channel 9 ( KTSM ) morning show.
- March 31st ,2001 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM: Interviewed for radio show ANIMAL VOICES which is aired every Thursday, from 2:00-3:00 PM on CIUT 89.5 FM, located at St.George and Harbord St. Interviewed by Linda Hazard.
- OMEGA CENTER: Saturday November 11th, 2000 Book signing of Tales From a Dream Before It Happened© by Verónica Muñoz. Toronto - Canada
- Seminar for Metro Toronto Junior Chamber Meeting on March 6th, 2002 (next Wednesday) from 7-7:45pm on 'How to Learn to speak any language naturally and confidently.' East York
Civic Centre, Toronto, CANADA.
- International Students' Centre, University of Toronto. March 13th, 7:30 - 8:30pm lecture on Living Raw Vegan Nutrition. Toronto, Canada
- Metro Hall for Toronto Junior Chamber. Spanish Course Presentation on the Creative Natural Approach© Apr 5, 12, 19, and 26) - Time: 7-8:30pm. Toronto, Canada.
Click HERE to Order TALES FROM A DREAM BEFORE IT HAPPENED by Verónica Muñoz at